Millennial Travel Podcast

Travel As Transformation: Conquer the Limits of Culture to Discover Your Own Identity with Gregory Diehl

Hannah Pinkerton
January 16, 2024

The Guest

Gregory Diehl has understood the importance of universal ideas from a young age. Though he was raised in California, he soon embarked on a journey of global quest for learning, self-discovery, entrepreneurship, and inquiry. Since then, Gregory has lived and worked in 48 countries and continues to use his experiences to help others along the path of self-fulfillment through exploration. He helps entrepreneurs prepare complex value messages across many mediums, and offers unconventional lifestyle coaching and brand identity consultancy for impassioned individuals. In his free time, gregory kidnaps felinse from streets around the world and bathes them in his sink before passing them along to strangers.

The Episode

Today’s episode is all about personal evolution, reverse culture shock, and loneliness when traveling.

Gregory shares how he learned which relationships in his life were truly meaningful, how to get multiple passports/residencies, and how to create sustainable happiness.

He leaves listeners with the advice about stepping out of your comfort zone, “Learn to ignore that part of you that insists on panicking when that happens.”


Travel as Transformation: Conquer the Limits of Culture to Discover Your Own Identity by Gregory Diehl

Uncomfortable Conversations with Gregory Diehl

U.S. Taxes for Worldly Americans: The Traveling Expat's Guide to Living, Working, and Staying Tax Compliant Abroad by Olivia Wagner and Gregory Diehl

Connect with Gregory on Facebook

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Hannah Pinkerton
Hannah enjoys spreading love in the world through travel, blogging, and teaching Spanish. Her hobbies include exploring in nature, taking naps, and spoiling her two dogs. She is proud to use her organizational and list making skills as an Executive Assistant for U30X.


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