
Get Published on the Under30Experiences Blog!

Matt Wilson
January 16, 2024

Do you want to share your ideas with tens of thousands of people? Now is your chance.

IMPORTANT: Not all articles will be published. We receive a LARGE number of submissions and select only the best articles that fit our audience to post.

Why You Should Write For Us

Besides your work being potentially seen by tens of thousands of people, you will be joining a Community that extends around the world. Here are just some of the benefits why you should write for U30X:

  • Full authorship credit with links to your social media AND personal website (if you have one)
  • Professional reference of being published on a reputable blog
  • Share your story and benefit the lives of others

Here is the type of content we are currently looking for:


Of course, we love to blog about travel as well. In addition to providing travel guides, we also show you how to travel hack, and share inspirational stories about how the transformative powers of travel have helped people.

To get a better idea of what we're looking for, make sure you check out our blog...but keep in mind we are open to publishing subjects of all different kinds as long as it vibes with our mission to curate content designed to help people live better.

We are currently searching for content specifically on USA Trips, guides to USA cities, content for US National Parks, and other destinations within the United States that showcase America's great locations.

Are you a travel blogger of color?  In our effort to make Under30Experiences even more diverse community, we're calling for inspiring more stories from people of color!

Submission Process

If you feel like you have an article to write (or have written one) that is relevant to our blog, we highly encourage you to submit it to see if it's the right fit.

Here's the process:

  1. Create a Google document & write or copy/paste your article into it. Make sure you include the photos and create a backup. The cleaner & more organized, the better. Your photos should be optimized under 100kb. Here's a great free site to do it. For your main image, it should be at least 1200px. All others should be around 800px.
  2. At the bottom of the Google Document, add a headshot, short bio, and links to your social media, so we can give you the credit if we publish your article.
  3. When complete, email jenne (at) stating you are submitting an article for review and include the shareable link of your Google Document, so we can edit it.
  4. If your article is a good fit, we will make some final tweaks on the Google document, reach out to you for final approval, and then schedule it to be published.

Easy, right?

We look forward to making some magic with you!

Matt Wilson
Matt Wilson is Co-founder of Under30Experiences and Author of The Millennial Travel Guidebook: Escape More, Spend Less, & Make Travel a Priority in Your Life. He is host of the Live Different Podcast, Millennial Travel Podcast, and formerly Co-founder of He is committed to helping people live more adventurous lives.


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