Our Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

Matt Wilson
August 22, 2024

We’d like to update you on our efforts to make the Under30Experiences Community a more diverse and inclusive place.  As a company that prides itself on opening people’s eyes to different cultures, we’ve always taken great care to create itineraries that include unique activities highlighting minority groups in local communities, and spending our money around the world with those who need it most.

We’ve always thought of the U30X Community as a welcoming, supportive place, where people can feel free to be themselves, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin or citizenship status, sex, gender orientation or expression, sexual orientation, or disability.  And yes, you can still come on our trips if you are over 30!

But we know we can do better.   

Ending systemic racism and discrimination will take long term solutions, strategic alliances, and a team effort.  While today is a holiday to celebrate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States, it is important to mention that our diversity plan will include initiatives for Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Arab and other Middle Easterners, Indigenous, LGBTQ, blind, deaf, disabled, plus-sized travelers, women, and all religious groups. 

While we believe actions speak much louder than words, it’s important that we keep our community updated on exactly how we are working towards creating a world with greater equality. 

Here are a handful of things Under30Experiences has immediately committed to improving:

  1. Listening to our community and educating our team.  Diversity is now a standing topic in our weekly meetings.
  2. Conducting a diversity survey within our community and from those who have not yet chosen to travel with U30X.
  3. Recruiting, hiring, and retaining more people of color, and those from other underrepresented minority groups. 
  4. Improving our diversity and inclusion training for all staff.
  5. Supporting more local organizations that fight racism and discrimination.
  6. Having more activities on our trips that show the true history and culture of Blacks, and other minority groups.
  7. Sourcing more Black-owned businesses as vendors for our trips, where available, and becoming key allies of the Black Business Matters campaign.
  8. As more people of color travel with Under30Experiences, we will authentically tailor our marketing materials to be more representative of our changing demographic. 
  9. Feature more stories of people of color on our blog and Instagram and make sure they have adequate representation in our travel content.
  10. Continually initiate conversations within our community and share resources for equality in travel within our Facebook Group and blog. You can read our updates and list of diversity & inclusion travel resources here.

Update: 7/8/2020 We've officially added two simple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to our Regional Managers' Performance Reviews to specifically increase diversity within our staff. 1) Male:Female gender ratio of staff 2) % of minority hires.

Ending racism is not an overnight task. As such, Under30Experiences will continue to do our part in improving diversity on our trips, within our staff, and among our local partnerships.  We must all be part of the solution to create a more globally accepting world. 

Thank you for your continued support and if you have any suggestions or resources, please feel free to email me, CEO of Under30Experiences directly, Matt (at) under30experiences (dot) com. 

Matt Wilson
Matt Wilson is Co-founder of Under30Experiences and Author of The Millennial Travel Guidebook: Escape More, Spend Less, & Make Travel a Priority in Your Life. He is host of the Live Different Podcast, Millennial Travel Podcast, and formerly Co-founder of Under30CEO.com. He is committed to helping people live more adventurous lives.


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